Pruning a Fruit-Producing Pomegranate. Use the shears to trim off not only the short shoots as … The pomegranate tree, Punica granatum, is a small tree growing to 30 feet. Can You Prune Pomegranate Trees in the First Year?. No matter how you intend to use it, pomegranates are pretty in three seasons, you’ll enjoy its shiny leaves and crinkly red-orange flowers in spring, and uniquely shaped rosy-red fruits in summer and fall that are produced on the fruit bearing varieties. Pomegranate trees (Punica granatum), hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 10, are known to sucker profusely. How and when should I prune it to stimulate growth? Before you start pruning your pomegranate, you want to decide how it will be used in the landscape or garden. Pruning pomegranate trees is the way by which you can turn a pomegranate bush into more of a tree. About a month before new growth begins in the spring, prune the pomegranate to five or fewer (as few as one) large stems that come from the ground. Commercial fruit tree growers prune their trees by shortening main branches. Prune at the Right Time. Although native to India, it is cultivated throughout the world in dry, calcareous soils as well as acidic, sandy loams. There are two reasons you would want to prune a pomegranate bush or tree. I have a pomegranate tree that is 6 years old. As Pomegranate is both a beautiful landscaping tree and one that has delicious and nutritious fruit, the dilemma facing the gardener concerns the type of pruning to adopt. Lower the height of the tree by trimming all the main branches. If you want your pomegranate tree to yield high amounts of fruit, you will need to prune it much more drastically. You can trim off the dead branches during cold winter months, when the trees … Pruning Trees for Fruit. It didn't get enough water for several years, and was growing under a canopy of other trees, so it only grew about 1 meter (~4 feet) high. It has a shrublike habit with numerous branches and trunks. The methods for pruning pomegranate trees are also different, so you must decide first your reason for pruning and then begin the process accordingly. Regarding pomegranate tree pruning, the first trimming should be done when it reaches a height of about 2 feet. The pomegranate has been known to live more than 100 years. Depending upon the cultivar, a pomegranate tree height varies from four meters to eight meters.