White: Academy Rector, Humility, Peacekeeper, Replenish, Tithe, Blue: Copy Artifact, Intuition, Mind over Matter, Palinchron, Power Artifact, Transmute Artifact, Time Spiral, Timetwister (lol), Black: Corpse Dance, Shallow Grave, Yawgmoth's Will, Green: Earthcraft, Survival of the Fittest, Artifact: Grim Monolith, Mox Diamond, Lion's Eye Diamond, Memory Jar, Null Rod. This site © 2020 TappedOut.net, LLC But the real high iq play - [[Didgeridoo]] less than $10 at the moment, and it can only get better as more minotaurs are printed. Also, this list is pretty long. Replacing Gilded Drake with Sower of Temptation, Living Plane with Nature's Revolt, Null Rod with Collector Ouphe, Wheel of Fortune with Reforge the Soul and Timetwister with Windfall of Memory's Journey saves hundreds (or thousands, if you ever shuffle up a Timetwister) of dollars for the downside of sometimes being a turn slower or having one or two less mana open for a counterspell. ?, EDH, EDH, EDH staples, EDH Staples, EDH, Card Ideas, Inspire Deck, Favs, Guide To Building, Resources, Information for later, decks, Interesting Info, nice card list, deck inserts, Lists, Favorites, Useful information, EDH staple cards, Consider, EDH Sammelbecken, EDH Reading material, Commander, Deck Ideas, Commander Decks, Commander, EDH, Custom, good decks, Favorites, WIP EDH, Neat EDH Decks, Cool Decks, edh, EDH inspired, Decks I'm interested in!, Staples EDH, Staples, other people's decks, EDH staples, EDH Staples, Reference, commander, EDH Resources, EDH, info, Utility lists, Suggestions, Folder, Info/Tools, lists, Indexes, EDH, edh mainstays, EDH, staples, Comambro, mfhtcjcjstrjtshe, Resources, Resources , Likes, Miscellaneous/Utility, leanings, Other people's cool decks, Encyclopaedia Magicka, Building tools , Commander, edh staples, staples, Utility, inspiration and tools, Deck Ideas, EDH, EDH, EDH, Good Stuff, Reference, EDH, cool decks, Commander EDH, Staples List, Needed, Deck ideas, EDH Staples, Likes, Reference, EDH- Deck Ideas, EDH Staples, Staples, Saved, Favorite Deck Ideas, useful things, Help? Now I'm kind of obsessed because it reminds me more of the crazy kitchen table magic I played as a kid. cEDH Cast – DDB & PWP Staples List Updates! This makes me feel a lot better about it! EDH Ideas, EDH, cards i want, Decks i like, Commander, EDH, EDH, good t'know, EDH cards, EDH Cards, Inspiration, Decks That I Like, Favorites, EDH Staples, Resources, Know How And Such, Useful Stuffs, Interesting, Staples, Liked, ideas, EDH Resources, EDH Staples, Resources, Deck Ideas, Favorites, EDH/Commander, Cards, Utilities, Commander, Like, EDH Power Cards, references, EDH, Stuff to Read, ideals, Other people's decks, Commander, Lists of Cards, edh cards, Sweet decks, Kom, yes, Commander, EDH, not mine, ideas, cool decks, Card Lists, EDH staples, Best cards, Subscribes, Commander Staple cards, Resource, Commander/EDH, Take a look at them, Actual Decks, EDH Resources, Cool Decks, Reference Folder, awesome, Staples and Guides, Deck ideas, Staples and Power Cards, Planeswalker / EDH, carte forti EDH, Decks, Commmander, Decks that look nice, Awesome, Card Lists, Interesting, EDH Ideas, Staples, Favorites, my favorites, liked, inspirations, 4. Humility is just over $20 for example. Make it easier on yourself and just start looking at cards under $30. You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. EDH Fun Fun Fun, Favorites, STAPLES , Useful Lists, Badass EDH, Utilities, EDH Notes, Staples, EDH Help, EDH Deck Building, COMMANDER, Cool decks made by others, #needtobuild, Help, Comander, Subscriptions, EDH Notes, Learning, Cool stuff I found, EDH, Deck Infos, yes, cardlists, Decks of interest, Reference, Useful References, Card utilities, edh, likeyyyy, Stuff for Reference etc, stuff, Reference/Resources, yep, EDH folder, Food for Thought, ideas, EDH Deckbuilding, Deck Building, Ermagerd, Folder of Stuff I Put in a Folder, Z. Misc, Other peoples, commander, Reference Decks, Others, staples, good cards, Saved, Deck Inspiration, WORK IN PROGRESS, Design Tools, Library, EDH, EDH (ELITE), to watch, Edh, Staples, EDH, Commander, EDH, Power Cards, EDH, Card Lists , staples, Edh decks , EDH STUFF, EDH Primer, Nice Decks, Resources, Primers, Useful, EDH, Guides + Walkthroughs, Decks to Consider, EDH, helpful lists, Deck Informatives, EDH Help, Lists of Importance, I like these, EDH, Interesting decks, Awesome, References, Zurgo EDH, EDH Staples?, reference, Help, EDH Cards, Cool Deck Ideas, Decks, Other peoples decks, EDH, "List" Decks, Format Staples, Not mine, Favorites, Magic Premade Lists, Cool EDH decks, Ideas, potentials, ??
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