These insects feed on the leaves near the top of a weigela shrub, causing them to develop irregular bronze or tan spots. It blooms in spring, along with other weigela, but then comes roaring back with bright red flowers through summer and fall. I'm in zone 7A. Avoid wounding crowns and roots of established shrubs during cultivation. Eventually they, too, become infested. To ensure our content is always up-to-date with current information, best practices, and professional advice, articles are routinely reviewed by industry experts with years of hands-on experience. Scale outbreaks can be triggered by pesticides used against other pests or by environmental stresses such as too much or too little water. Sonic Bloom Pink weigela (Weigela florida ‘Bokrasopin’) is a reblooming weigela that delivers a stunning flower show in late spring to early summer, followed by a steady march of blooms until fall frost. Improper fertilizing hinders blooming, too. It is important to not plant the root ball of the weigela too deep. Website operating Only the slightest suggestion of pink. This weigela is deer resistant and very easy to grow. Read the product label for amount to use. Weigela florida ‘Verweig 6’ Red PP#25,132 USDA Hardiness Zones: 4a to 8b Sonic Bloom® Red weigela has the strongest rebloom of any weigela, flowering in May and then producing waves of reblooms until frost. Weigela Sonic Bloom Ghost - Common name: - Its presence won’t go unnoticed! Before you do anything just reiterate what you think it is you should do, want to do. Deadheading is not needed for continuous bloom. Disinfect tools after use with household disinfectant or dip them in a solution of household bleach and water. to this site, and use it for non-commercial use subject to our terms of use. Weigelas thrive in moist, well-drained locations with full sun and have few problems with insects and disease. Examples would be hungry animals, drought, poor soil conditions, over watering, disease, insects & many other factors. Carefully inspect new plants and nursery stock and reject any that show suspicious lumps in stems, in crowns near the old soil line, or on adjacent roots. If you prune your Weigela late in the year, then it will not have time in to grow mature wood for flowering next summer. Add your review. View our Privacy Policy here. Shield them from strong wind, too, which can damage flowers and “burn” soft, new leaves. Weigela are easy to grow in average, well-drained soil and have no serious pest or disease problems. In the spring, improve the appearance of the shrub by clipping off the dead branch tips prior to bloom time.Branches, Foliage Encrusted With Small Bumps due to ScaleScale insects feed on plant tissues while protected by rounded, waxy shells. For long-term prevention, lighten heavy soil with a mixture of perilite, vermiculite or peat moss and provide good drainage. PUMPKINS: The grower of grand prize-winning pumpkins in Sonoma, California says, "If you get a healthy, fast-growing plant, you don't have any problems in the garden. Control leaf spot by shaking out all fallen and diseased leaves from the center of the bush and destroying them, and by pruning out and destroying dead branches in the center of the bush to encourage better air circulation. They burrow into weigela roots, their feeding gradually destroying the root system. Sonic Bloom - Weigela florida Red Reblooming Dediduous Shrub Zone 4 Green foliage with lipstick red tubular fragrant blooms that re-bloom in fall Deciduous Attracts hummingbirds, butterflies, bird friendly Use as hedge, border plant, or mass plantings Height 4 Grins. Spray foliage early in the spring before growth starts with anti-transpirant spray. The first sign of a scale attack is often discoloration of upper leaf surfaces, followed by leaf drop, reduced growth, and stunted shrubs. The pink flowers are a hummingbird favorite. Weigela florida is native to North China, Korea and Japan. If you are used to dealing with other plants that need regular pruning each year, it is easy to accidentally over prune your weigela. I'm wavering between the Sonic Bloom weigela and an Ivory Halo red twig dogwood. From spring until the first frost, hot pink flowers are produced in great quantities and literally cover the foliage of narrowly ovate, bright green leaves.The trumpet-like flowers are adored by hummingbirds. Pruning times are in the spring after flowering, and you shouldn’t remove more than one third of the oldest wood. Loads of flowers in May followed waves of flowers until frost. Loads of hot pink flowers in May are followed by waves of blooms until frost. Attract hummingbirds from spring to frost with Sonic Bloom® Red weigela.

sonic bloom weigela problems

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