The northern part of the city voted to become a sovereign town so it would have the power to manage its own affairs. Hugh exacted, as payment for his disinterestedness and fidelity, a renewal of his sovereignty over Burgundy with that of Aquitaine as well; he was in fact the viceroy of the kingdom, and others imitated him by demanding indemnities, privileges and confirmation of rights, as was customary at the beginning of a reign. Possibly, as its form suggests, it is based on the imperial crown and symbolized at the outsgt the quasi - sovereignty over the rayah population which Mahommed II. He still preached the gospel of the people's sovereignty in civil life and the pope's supremacy in religion, but brought to his propagandism the full resources of a mind familiar with philosophy, history and literature, and indeed led the reaction against Voltairean scepticism. How to use shorten in a sentence. 19. In the context of multiple punishments, one could argue that a jurisdiction could convict a defendant and impose a punishment large enough to vindicate the interests of any other jurisdiction. So soon as al-Aflal had got possession of his nephews person, he started on an expedition for the recovery of Damascus: al-Adil not only frustrated this, but drove him back to Egypt, where on the 25th of January 1200 a battle was fought between the armies of the two at Bilbeis, resulting in the defeat of al-Aflal, who was sent back to Sarkhad, while aI-Adil assumed the regency, for which after a few months he substituted the sovereignty, causing his nephew to be deposed. With the reign of James I., whose coronation took place at Scone on the 21st of May 1424, constitutional sovereignty may be said to begin in Scotland. He next fought for the sovereignty of Provence against Raymond Berenger I., and not till September 1125 did the war end in an amicable agreement. Territorial sovereignty is used in a variety of senses. A meeting of representatives of all European inhabitants of the Sovereignty, elected on manhood suffrage, held at Bloemfontein in June 1852, never theless declared in favour of the retention of British rule. Lists. Indeed, the cornerstone of State sovereignty provides an abiding subtext to assertions of rights of transit. Shapur II., a posthumous child of the late king, was then raised to the throne, a proof that the great magnates held the sovereignty in their own hands and attempted to order matters at their own pleasure. After the occupation of Pretoria in June 1900 by Lord Roberts the Boer forces had been reduced to guerilla warfare, and Lord Kitchener, learning that the Transvaal commandants were despondent, invited General Botha to enter into negotiations, on the basis of the recognition of British sovereignty. During the 6th century the battle of Deorham gained by the West Saxons in 577 cut off communication with Cornwall, and in 613 the great battle of Chester, won by King Ethelfrith, prevented the descendants of Cunedda from ever again asserting their sovereignty over Strathclyde; the joint effect, therefore, of these two important Saxon victories was to isolate Wales and at the same time to put an end to all pretensions of its rulers as the inheritors of the ancient political claims of the Roman governors of the northern province of Britain. Although his de facto sovereignty was confined to the town of Laon and to some places in the north of France, Louis displayed a zeal beyond his years in procuring the recognition of his authority by his turbulent vassals. Consider each separate idea within a sentence … The sovereignty of the state enables it to deal as it thinks best with the public creditor. Gaiseric seems to have counted the years of his sovereignty from the date of its capture. The United States, on assuming sovereignty over Tutuila and the islands E. Such hints as these indicate the impossibility of recovering a complete picture of the Jews during the sovereignty of the Greeks, which the Talmudists regard as the dark age, best left in oblivion. The first is the principle of popular sovereignty. In this he vindicates, on grounds of right, prescriptive and natural, the revolt of the United Provinces against the sovereignty of Spain. Commandant Jan Mocke of Winburg (who had helped to besiege Captain Smith at Durban) and others of the " war party " attempted to induce the volksraad not to submit, and a plan was formed to murder Pretorius, Boshof and other leaders, who were now convinced that the only chance of ending the state of complete anarchy into which the country had fallen was by accepting British sovereignty. antonyms. sovereignty- supreme power or authority. RE: How to use sovereignty in a sentence? He was elected by the Roman people at the close of a year's interregnum, during which the sovereignty had been exercised by the members of the senate in rotation. Their pacific temper exposed them to the raids of the Kirghiz, who compelled them first to settle in Dzungaria, then to move their dwellings several times, and ultimately (in 1742) to recognize the sovereignty of Russia. The US Congress passed the 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act called for the use of popular sovereignty to determine whether a territory would enter the Union as a free or slave state. sovereignty of parliament and legislative freedom by membership of the European Union. _Separate Sovereignty : Puerto Rico would become an independent nation. Urteil nt. But then and always the prime concern of the Pharisees was the extension of God's sovereignty (the Kingdom of God) throughout the world. On the 14th of November the state ceased to exist, the rights of sovereignty being assumed by Belgium the next day without ceremony of any kind.'. Add your answer and earn points. What is a clause? The beginnings of Austrian sovereignty were marked by many collisions between the representatives of the new rulers and the States General, and provincial " states.". To these elements of discord we must add: - (r) That the Arabs, notwithstanding the bond of Islam that united them, maintained their old tribal institutions, and therewith their old feuds and factions; (2) that the old antagonism between Ma`adites 1 - (original northern tribes) and Yemenites (original southern tribes), accentuated by the jealousy between the Meccans, who belonged to the former, and the Medinians, who belonged to the latter division, gave rise to perpetual conflicts; (3) that more than one dangerous pretender - some of them of the reigning family itself - contended with the caliph for the sovereignty, and must be crushed collie que collie. So absolute became the papal sovereignty over conscience that more than one government took alarm. Probably the sovereignty again became hereditary. Nor was the sovereignty of the Native Hawaiian race recognized at the time Hawaii became a state. Even before this committee met a royal proclamation had been signed (January 30, 1854) "abandoning and renouncing all dominion" in the Sovereignty. It might be that smaller authorities can pool sovereignty effectively to deliver services, while also giving rise to an engaged citizenry. With sovereignty came the norm against interference in the internal affairs of other states. Don’t Hesitate and Try a Word Shortener Right Here. This Site Might Help You. Many attempts have been made to enumerate the attributes of sovereignty, i.e. Sentence types. µovapxia, rule of one, µovos, alone, apxii, rule), strictly, the undivided sovereignty or rule of a single person. At its most basic sovereignty is the lifeblood of the nation state, and the benchmark of national self-identification. From 1871 to 1873 he edited the Atlanta Daily Sun, and he published A Constitutional View of the Late War between the States (2 vols., 1868-1870), perhaps the best statement of the southern position with reference to state sovereignty and secession; The Reviewers Reviewed (1872), a supplement to the preceding work; and A Compendium of the History of the United States (1875; new ed., 1883). The resolution also provides for other measures that violate the sovereignty of Iraq. Two of the many terms he uses are “symbolic complex”and, “loss of sovereignty.” Symbolic complex is what you hope will happen or the preformulations you expect. This recognition, the necessary preliminary to the abandonment of the Orange River Sovereignty; was made in the Sand River Convention on the 17th of January 1852. The Carolingian sovereignty was thus neither hereditary nor elective, but was handed down by the will of the reigning king, and by a solemn acceptance of the future king on the part of the nobles. To meet these claims an agreement (which has been aptly called the constitutional charter of the Sudan) between Great Britain and Egypt, was signed on the 19th of January 1899, establishing the joint sovereignty of the two states throughout 1 In the autumn of 1903 Mahommed-el-Amin, a native of Tunis, proclaimed himself the Mandi and got together a following in Kordofan. In 1858, when the Supreme Court, after the vote of Kansas against the Lecompton constitution, had decided that Kansas was a " slave " territory, thus quashing Douglas's theory of " popular sovereignty," he engaged in Illinois in a close and very exciting contest for the senatorship with Abraham Lincoln, the Republican candidate, whom he met in a series of debates (at Ottawa, Freeport, Jonesboro, Charleston, Galesburg, Quincy and Alton), in one of which, that at Freeport, Douglas was led to declare that any territory, by " unfriendly 1 Her death in 1853 was a great blow to him and embittered him.