While a woman is expecting an avalanche of love confessions, a man is gently brushing a strand of hair out of her eyes. Short term is much more about attraction. So there you have it – the 8 things every guy wants in a woman. Not only will this make your guy see you in a more loving light, but also remember the gesture for a long time. If you ignore it, you’re in trouble in your future relationships. I realize that some people might get angry when I say that, but I have to say it because I want you to be successful. (Plus, it will probably push any guy away). This will ensure that they will fall in love completely with you and if they are already in love with you, they will be totally awed and take the pains to make it work for a long time. Focus on feeling good about yourself – a positive attitude is more important to overall attractiveness than a dress size or two. All you need to do is to find out a way to stamp your approval, recognition, appreciation and encouragement for them. But all are true. If you ever thought a guy initially liked you as a person …oh boy, were you wrong! Put effort towards being in shape and looking a way that makes you feel happy (not a way that some scummy magazine is telling you to look). There is nothing more important to your long-term chances with a guy than him knowing he can be his true self around you. I’m not telling you to drop everything in your life and follow him completely – that’s totally off base. This is the best article I have read so far concerning relationship. I’m going to give you the honest truth about men – and it’s blunt sometimes, but the #1 thing that I want for you is for you to be effective in getting what you want. Seems like men have a short observation period. Great 8 but it’s complete fantasy. In a macro sense I don’t care what accolades you have, what degrees you have, what business things you have accomplished, who you are friends with, etc. don’t pretend to be someone you’re not! yeah with good vibe he’ll definitely like you! They will be more likely to return the favor as well. Guys are looking for someone who they can count on to back them up – who they know supports them and their direction in life. This is not easy for any man, because they like to be strong. thanks for being so helpful to ladies like me..i’ll make sure i will be the woman he wants :), it proves hat we have the same things we want for our partners..sometimes, we just don’t get it bec we’re too busy demanding our own wants, gave me a deeper understanding of men and their inner beings. It is not as if he is going to ignore you completely, but would also be interested in pursuing other things and mingling with other people who are important to him. The woman who speaks up on her beliefs. What exactly is the big mystery? That’s it. The woman with sarcastic humor. And the answer has to go beyond just “looks” – although that is an important factor to men. It’s the thing that he talks about that seems like it changes his whole demeanor. Unfortunately, men are very shallow creatures. Just like women, men too like to be constantly thought of by the person they love. Everything you do in life is subconsciously about moving closer to your goals – and he’s the same way. Likewise, they also love being appreciated by the special someone in their life. Your vibe is something I talk about a lot, and for good reason: it’s the foundation of your attractiveness and everything relating to your relationships with other people. If he’s a guy you just want to have a good time with in the short term, then it doesn’t matter nearly as much whether you’re compatible. This planet is filled with different kinds of men who all have different kinds of tastes and preferences for what they find attractive. It does not include the whole package. How do you feel when you see their name come up on your phone? Before you decide what to do next, you need to know about the pivotal moment in any relationship that determines if you get to live happily ever after or he leaves you so pay attention to this next step because it’s vitally important: At some point he will ask himself is this the woman I should commit to for the long term? oh, i can’t wait! my girls will also be reading this!